Thursday, August 29, 2013


Writing is like exercise. Sometimes you wake up eager to get out and stretch and write. Other times you wake up and you don‘t have energy even to get out of bed. That is when you have to say to yourself, Do It Anyway.

Do It Anyway. A wonderful motto I first heard from author/editor/agent Alice Orr. It was true ten years ago, as much as it is true today.

Your writing does not have to be perfect. Does not have to be vast. It just has to be. Like Nora Roberts has said at numerous conferences, she can fix a written page; she can‘t fix a blank one.

If you want to see results, you have to write.

If you want to sell a book, you have to write.

If you want to be a published author, you have to write.

Writing is not easy. We all have productive days; other days it‘s a struggle to squeeze out even one line. And, life too does not make things easy. There are distractions everywhere – family, friends, work, responsibilities, duties, et al.

Do It Anyway. Whether you write one sentence, one page, one chapter, just write. If you have to force yourself, then you know what? Force yourself to write. Every day or every week. Don‘t go more than a week without writing because, like in exercise, it will take much longer to warm up.

Writing is like a muscle. You have to keep using it and often. And on those days that nothing seems right, when the energy is at zero, Do It Anyway. You‘ll thank yourself in the end.

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